
+1 519-767-0990


[email protected]

Opening Hours

Mon - Sat: 10AM - 5PM

          1)  Hatha Yoga – 50 min – Tuesday 10am, Wednesdays 5pm.  

Join us for this beginner yoga class with a focus on stabilizing and strengthening the body, while preparing for our busy day mentally, physically and emotionally.   This class is ideal for beginners and seniors, and those who wish to quiet the mind and connect to the body allowing for a higher level of productivity and stress reduction.

          2) Restorative Yoga – 50 min – Thursday mornings at 10am (Currently Not Offered).

Join us for this beginner class that connects the mind and body to a place of awareness as we transition from our busy day into a mindful state of rest to allow for a deep, peaceful sleep.  This class is ideal for those in need of calming their busy minds in preparation for sleep, and for those wishing to reduce stress and anxiety.